Eroma - Kahenlaisii kuvia
Gasellit feat Ellinoora - Perävalot
Asla Jo - Kaikki alko siitä mihin me loputtiin
F - Self-helpless
Helena Routa - Jumalasta seuraava
Annika Pudas - Juhannuslaulu
Roope Salminen - Lähes onnellinen mies (Vain Elämää kausi 15)
Bämä feat Pilvi Hämäläinen - Anna rakas (raju hetki)
Helena Routa - Noidat
Nelli Milan - Melkein ilmaa
Ollie - Jumalat
Satu feat Stig - Kylän ainoo

Ira Aaltonen

Ira Aaltonen, 31, is a Finnish photographer born and based in Helsinki. Her work extends all around Europe and the music industry from underground to major labels.

During her life in Barcelona 2022-2023 she was introduced to club photography and found a peaceful art in people being fully lost in the music, the smoke and the feeling of privacy in a dark night club.

In Helsinki her clientel mainly consists of record labels and independent artists, but her roots lie in creative personal portraits and couple's photography - capturing love and companionship through movement and painting-like photos.

Due to her candid signature style and tendency to capture everything around her - including friends and family - her portfolio has become incredibly personal. Ira became a full time freelance photographer in 2019 after dabbling in different content creator jobs in the film and music event industry.

Ira's body of work has been published in various online music magazines, album covers, TV, newspapers and social media feeds. Over the years she's been invited to panels, both finnish and english speaking podcasts and radio shows to share her thoughts behind the creative process and her journey in photography.


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English & Finnish.

Helsinki based - readily available for all of Europe

Drop dance society / Barcelona
Drop dance society / Barcelona
Maccaroni Radio - Barcelona
Drop dance society / Barcelona
Moreover SoftRaving / Barcelona
Budget Jones in Garage 442 - Barcelona
Telexketch / Egyptian Greyhound - Maccaroni Radio
Moreover SoftRaving / Barcelona
Drop dance society / Barcelona
Malo Disco - Hoxton Hotel rooftop Barcelona
Moreover SoftRaving / Barcelona
Moreover SoftRaving / Barcelona
Cogue Freedonia - Raval festival
Malo Disco / Association Freedonia - Barcelona
Funk it / Barcelona
Malo Disco - Mint Bar Barcelona

“I rarely feel comfortable in front of the camera and usually just look like a doofus on purpose. But the presence of my love and the calm energy of this woman behind the camera made me feel there really wasn’t a camera in the first place. Just us having fun.”

“Ira will make you feel like you are the center of attention while not feeling like you're even being photographed - all at once. I highly recommend her if you wish for effortless, beautiful pictures, that capture your special day, relationship or just yourself as you are.”

“Ira luo ympärilleen varman ja rauhallisen energian olla kameran edessä parhaimmillaan. Jälki on upeaa ja toimitus nopeaa. Kiitos Ira.
Sulla on maadoittavin aura, jota oon koskaan tavannut.”

Couple's photography Helsinki
Wedding photography Helsinki
Wedding photography Helsinki
Couple's photography Helsinki
Wedding photography Helsinki
Wedding portraits - Helsinki
Couple's photography Helsinki
Couples Photography Helsinki
Couple's photography Barcelona
Couples Photography Helsinki
Couples Photography Helsinki

“Oli ihana kokemus nähdä kuvat ja videot. Mä tajusin jotain omasta musiikistani ja itsestäni kun katsoin niitä. Sulla on upea taito tuoda jotakin oikeeta näkyväksi.
Mä sain sun kuvista voimaa olla minä just näin kun oon. Kiitos Ira siitä!”

“I don’t even know where to start. Ira is amazing. First of all she is super professional but chilled. She’s got places and ideas in mind and she is on time at the shoot and with the final photos which for me is very important. She is organized but leaves room for creativity and natural flow during the shoot. It is super easy to pose in front of her. It is one big dance with no pressure. She lets me be me. I have shot with her a couple of times and every time we have created magic. Her editing is just so beautiful and she has a talent to capture people and emotions. She has her own unique vibe which I personally love.
I highly recommend her if you are looking for something beautifully different.”

“Ira on taiteilija, jolla on kyky vangita hetkiä ainutlaatuisella ja omaleimaisella tavalla. Visiot ja ideat lentävät jo suunnitteluvaiheessa, mutta kuvauksissa heittäydytään intuition vietäväksi, eikä tämän naisen taiteellinen intuitio näytä olevan milloinkaan väärässä. Iran kädenjälki elää ja hengittää elämää, ja kuvaussessiot ovat
spontaaneja hetkiä ihanassa seurassa! Kiitos kuvista ja kokemuksista.”

“I love how you see the world. You know, in many ways you and your art saved me this year. The way you helped me feel and see myself as beautiful and confident, is something I’ll never forget. So much beauty and not just what you can see but what you can feel,
and that’s what I belive that art and passion is about.”

Music videos, cover photos, commercial, events & more